Binayak P. Mohanty


Regents Professor

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (COALS) Chair in Hydrologic
Engineering and Sciences

Educational background

Ph. D., Soil and Water Engineering
Iowa State University (1992)
M.S., Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (1987)
B.Sc., Agricultural Engineering
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, India (1985)

CV/ Resume
ResearchGategoogle scholar

Research Interests

  • Water, heat, and chemical transport measurement and modeling in variably-saturated porous media ranging from core-scale to regional-scale
  • Measurement, scaling, and estimation of soil hydraulic properties
  • Preferential water flow and chemical transport through macroporous and fractured media
  • Spatial variability of soil hydraulic and transport properties in the context of deterministic/stochastic modeling
  • Coupled hydrologic and biogeochemical processes in the vadose zone
  • Adaptive geostatistical and exploratory data analysis techniques
  • Soil moisture remote sensing, scaling, and ground validation
  • Geohydrological and geoenvironmental applications
  • Up- and down-scaling of soil hydrologic processes and parameters
  • Development and application of state-of-the-art expert systems
  • Neural Network (NN) based pedo-topo-vegetation transfer functions (PTVTFs)
  • Development and application of exploratory, numerical, and Bayesian techniques for vadose zone processes
  • Numerical forward and inverse models

Selected Honors & Awards

  • 2023 AFS Distinguished Award for Research, Texas A&M University
  • 2022 Senior Fellow, Texas A&M AgriLife Research
  • 2022 Dean’s Research Excellence Award, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (COALS),
    Texas A&M University
  • 2017 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award for Research Excellence, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok
  • 2014 Don and Betty Kirkham Soil Physics Award, Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)
  • 2014 Regents Professor, Texas A&M University System
  • 2014 Inaugural Holder of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (COALS) Chair in
    Hydrologic Engineering and Sciences, Texas A&M University
  • 2014 Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Senior Fellow
  • 2013 NASA Group Achievement Award for a Successful Pre-Launch Field Campaign (SMAPVEX12) in Manitoba, Canada, in Support of SMAP Algorithm and Applications
  • 2012 Fellow, Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) & Agronomy Society of America (ASA)
  • 2012 Fellow, Texas AgriLife Research
  • 1992 Reverend P.T. Taiganides Outstanding Graduate Student Award
  • 1985 University Gold Medal for Outstanding Undergraduate Student


  1. Mohanty, B. P., Mbabazi, D., Miller, G., Moore, Georgianne, Everett, M., Rajan, Nithya, Morgan, C., Gaur, N., Sehgal, V., Sedaghatdoost, A., Hong, M., Kathura, D., Deshpande, A., Singh, S., Martin, M., Calabrese, S., Mishra, D., Singh, R., Chun, B., Souza, R., Knappett, P., Smith, D., Jones, C. (2024). Texas Water Observatory: A Distributed Network for Monitoring Water, Energy, and Carbon Cycles under Variable Climate and Land Use on Gulf Coast Plains. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 10.1175/JHM-D-23-0201.1.
  2. Kocian, L., & Mohanty, B. P. (2024). Characterizing large-scale preferential flow across Continental United States. Vadose Zone Journal, e20316.
  3. Mbabazi, D.,Sehgal, V.. & Mohanty, B. P. (2024). Global Terrestrial Water-Energy Coupling Across Scales. Ecohydrology, eco.2743.
  4. Sehgal, V., & Mohanty, B. P. (2024). Preferential Hydrologic States and Tipping Characteristics of Global Surface Soil Moisture. Water Resources Research, 2023WR034858.
  5. Xia, Y., Sanderman, J., Watts, J., Machmuller, M., Mullen, A., Rivard, C., Endsley K., Hernandez, H., Kimball, J., Ewing, S., Litvak, M., Duman, T., Krishnan, P., Meyers, T., Brunsell, N., Mohanty, B., Liu, H., Gao, Z., Chen, J., Abraha, M., Scott, R., Flerchinger, G., Clark, P., Stoy, P., Khan, A., Brookshire, J., Zhang, Q., Cook, D., Thienelt, T., Mitra, B., Mauritz, M., Tweedie, C., Torn, M., Billesbach, D. (2024). Coupling Remote Sensing with a Process Model for the Simulation of Rangeland Carbon Dynamics. ESS Open Archive, 2024. 10.22541/essoar.171269303.34921116/v1
  6. Yost, J., Smith, D., Adhikari, K., Arnold, J., Collins, H., Flynn, K., Hajda, C., Menefee, D., Mohanty, B., Schantz, M., Thorp, K., White, M., The LTAR Cropland Common Experiment at the Texas Gulf, Journal of Environmental Quality, 2024, 
  7. Hopmans, J., Simunek, J., Mohanty, B. (2024) Special Issue: Tribute to Rien van Genuchten, recipient of the 2023 Wolf Prize for Agriculture, Vadose Zone Journal,10.1002/vzj2.20327.
  8. Sehgal, V., Mohanty, B., & Reichle, R. (2024) Rootzone Soil Moisture Dynamics Using Terrestrial Water-Energy Coupling, Geophysical Research Letters,
  9. Binayak P. Mohanty, Debasish Mishra, Vinit Sehgal, Soil Moisture Remote Sensing: Satellite Retrieval, Geophysical Controls, and Applications, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, 2024, ISBN 9780124095489,
  10. Ribeiro, C.B.d.M., B.P. Mohanty, O.C. Rotunno Filho, E.T. Filgueiras, L.N.R. Xavier, A.A.M. d. Araújo, Water Balance and the Moist Planetary Boundary Layer Driven by Land Use and Land Cover Change across the Amazon Basin. Water, 15, 4052,, 2023.
  11. Shen, C., A.P. Appling, P. Gentine, T. Bandai, H. Gupta, A. Tartakovsky, M. Baity-Jesi, F. Fenicia, D. Kifer, L. Li, X. Liu, W. Ren, Y. Zheng, C.J. Harman, M. Clark, M. Farthing, D. Feng, P. Kumar, D. Aboelyazeed, F. Rahmani, Y. Song, H. E. Beck, T. Bindas, D. Dwivedi1, K. Fang, M. Höge, C. Rackauckas, B. Mohanty, T. Roy, C. Xu, and K. Lawson, Differentiable Modelling to Unify Machine Learning and Physical Models for Geosciences, Nature Reviews., 2023.
  12. Mbabazi, D., B.P. Mohanty, and N. Gaur, High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Evapotranspiration Estimates within Large Agricultural Fields by Fusing Eddy Covariance and Landsat Based Data, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology., 2023.
  13. Hong, M., and B.P. Mohanty, Representing Bidirectional Hydraulic Continuum Between the Stream and Hillslope in the National Water Model for Improved Streamflow Prediction, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems., 2023.
  14. Hong, M., and B.P. Mohanty, A New Method for Effective Parameterization of Catchment-Scale Aquifer Through Event-Scale Recession Analysis, Advances in Water Resources., 2023.
  15. Mielel, F., P. Benettin, S. Wang, I. Retti, M. Asadollahi, M. Frutschi, B.P. Mohanty, R. Bernier-Latmani, A. Rinaldo, Spatially Explicit Linkages between Redox Potential Cycles and Soil Moisture Fluctuations, Water Resources Research.59,, 2023.
  16. Shin, Y., B.P. Mohanty, J. Kim, and T. Lee, Multi-Model based Soil Moisture Simulation Approach under Contrasting Weather Conditions, Journal of Hydrology., 2023.
  17. Calabrese, S., Mohanty, B.P. and Malik, A.A., 2022. Soil microorganisms regulate extracellular enzyme production to maximize their growth rate. Biogeochemistry158(3), pp.303-312.
  18. Jena, S., R.K. Panda, M. Ramadas, B.P. Mohanty, A. K. Samantaray and S.K. Pattanaik, Prediction of Groundwater Variability using Hydrological, Geological, and Climatological Controls in Odisha, India, Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies. 37, 100887, 2021.
  19. Sehgal, V., N. Gaur, and B.P. Mohanty, Global Flash Drought Monitoring using Surface Soil Moisture. Water Resources Research, 57, doi:10.1029/2021WR029901, 2021.
  20. Singh, G., N.N. Das, R.K. Panda, B.P. Mohanty, D. Entekhabi, and B.K. Bhattacharya, High -High-Resolution soil Moisture Retrieval using SMAP L-band Radiometer and RISAT-1 C-band Radar Data in the Paddy Dominated Tropical Region of India, IEEE-Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.14, 10644-10664, 2021.
  21. Jena, S., Mohanty, B.P., Panda, R.K. and Ramadas, M., 2021. Towards Developing a Generalizable Pedo‐Transfer Function for Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity using Transfer Learning and Predictor Selector Algorithm. Water Resources Research, p.e2020WR028862.
  22. Yang, Z., Mohanty, B.P., Tong, X., Kuang, X. and Li, L., 2021. Effects of water retention curves and permeability equations on the prediction of relative air permeability. Geophysical Research Letters48(10), p.e2021GL092459.
  23. Bayat, H., Ebrahimzadeh, G. and Mohanty, B.P., 2021. Investigating the capability of estimating soil thermal conductivity using topographical attributes for the Southern Great Plains, USA. Soil and Tillage Research206, p.104811.
  24. Wang, J., Huang, G., Zhan, H., Mohanty, B., Li, J., and Zotarelli, L., 2021. A semianalytical solution of the modified two‐dimensional diffusive root growth model. Vadose Zone Journal, p.e20132.
  25. Sehgal, V.Gaur, N., & Mohanty, B. P. (2020). Global Surface Soil Moisture Drydown Patterns. Water Resources Research56, e2020WR027588.
  26. Hong, M., Mohanty, B.P. and Sheng, Z., 2020. An Explicit Scheme to Represent the Bidirectional Hydrologic Exchanges Between the Vadose Zone, Phreatic Aquifer, and River. Water Resources Research56(9), p.e2020WR027571.
  27. Jena, S., Panda, R.K., Ramadas, M., Mohanty, B.P. and Pattanaik, S.K., 2020. Delineation of groundwater storage and recharge potential zones using RS-GIS-AHP: Application in arable land expansion. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment19, p.100354.
  28. Neelam, M. and Mohanty, B.P., 2020. On the Radiative Transfer Model for Soil Moisture across Space, Time and Hydro-Climates. Remote Sensing12(16), p.2645.
  29. Neelam, M., Colliander, A., Mohanty, B.P., Cosh, M.H., Misra, S. and Jackson, T.J., 2020. Multiscale Surface Roughness for Improved Soil Moisture Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
  30. Fisher, J. B.Lee, B.Purdy, A. J.Halverson, G. H.Dohlen, M. B.Cawse‐Nicholson, K., et al. ( 2020). ECOSTRESS: NASA’s Next Generation Mission to measure evapotranspiration from the International Space StationWater Resources Research56, e2019WR026058.
  31. Yang, Z., Mohanty, B.P., Efendiev, Y. and Sheng, Z., 2019. Prediction of Relative Air Permeability of Porous Media With Weibull Pore Size Distribution. Water Resources Research55(11), pp.10037-10049.
  32. Kathuria, D., Mohanty, B.P. and Katzfuss, M., 2019. Multiscale data fusion for surface soil moisture estimation: a spatial hierarchical approach. Water Resources Research.
  33. Mao, H., Kathuria, D., Duffield, N. and Mohanty, B.P., 2019. Gap Filling of High‐Resolution Soil Moisture for SMAP/Sentinel‐1: A Two‐Layer Machine Learning‐Based Framework. Water Resources Research55(8), pp.6986-7009.
  34. Fan, Y., Clark, M., Lawrence, D.M., Swenson, S., Band, L.E., Brantley, S.L., Brooks, P.D., Dietrich, W.E., Flores, A., Grant, G. and Kirchner, J.W., 2019. Hillslope hydrology in global change research and Earth system modeling. Water Resources Research.
  35. Kathuria, D., Mohanty, B.P. and Katzfuss, M., 2019. A Nonstationary Geostatistical Framework for Soil Moisture Prediction in the Presence of Surface Heterogeneity. Water Resources Research55(1), pp.729-753.
  36. Singh, G., Panda, R.K. and Mohanty, B.P., 2019. Spatiotemporal analysis of soil moisture and optimal sampling design for regional‐scale soil moisture estimation in a tropical watershed of India. Water Resources Research55(3), pp.2057-2078.
  37. Vereecken, H., Weihermüller, L., Assouline, S., Šimůnek, J., Verhoef, A., Herbst, M., Archer, N., Mohanty, B., Montzka, C., Vanderborght, J. and Balsamo, G., 2019. Infiltration from the Pedon to Global Grid Scales: An Overview and Outlook for Land Surface Modeling. Vadose Zone Journal18(1).
  38. Singh, G., Das, N.N., Panda, R.K., Colliander, A., Jackson, T.J., Mohanty, B.P., Entekhabi, D. and Yueh, S.H., 2019. Validation of SMAP Soil Moisture Products Using Ground-Based Observations for the Paddy Dominated Tropical Region of India. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing57(11), pp.8479-8491.
  39. Bayat, H., Mazaheri, B. and Mohanty, B.P., 2019. Estimating soil water characteristic curve using landscape features and soil thermal properties. Soil and Tillage Research189, pp.1-14.
  40. Gaur, N. and Mohanty, B.P., 2019. A Nomograph to Incorporate Geophysical Heterogeneity in Soil Moisture Downscaling. Water Resources Research55(1), pp.34-54.
  41. Rahmati, Mehdi, Lutz Weihermüller, Jan Vanderborght, Yakov A. Pachepsky, Lili Mao, Seyed Hamidreza Sadeghi, Niloofar Moosav et al. (2018) “Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database.” Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 1237–1263.
  42. Sviercoski, R.F., Efendiev, Y. and Mohanty, B.P., (2018) “Upscaling the coupled water and heat transport in the shallow subsurface”. Water Resources Research54(2), pp.995-1012.
  43. Shin, Y., Mohanty, B.P. and Ines, A.V., (2018). “Development of non-parametric evolutionary algorithm for predicting soil moisture dynamics”. Journal of Hydrology564, pp.208-221.
  44. Kim, J., and B. P. Mohanty (2017), A physically based hydrological connectivity algorithm for describing spatial patterns of soil moisture in the unsaturated zone, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, doi:10.1002/2016JD025591.
  45. Chen, Z., Mohanty, B.P. and Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., 2017. Space-time modeling of soil moisture. Advances in Water Resources109, pp.343-354.
  46. Mohanty, B. P., M. Cosh, V. Lakshmi, and C. Montzka (2017), Soil Moisture Remote Sensing: State-of-the-Science, Vadose Zone Journal, 16(1), doi:10.2136/vzj2016.10.0105.
  47. Arora, B. and Mohanty, B.P., 2017. Influence of spatial heterogeneity and hydrological perturbations on redox dynamics: a column study. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science17, pp.869-872.
  48. Neelam, M., Colliander, A., Mohanty, B.P., Jackson, T.J., Cosh, M.H. and Misra, S., 2017, July. Multi-scale surface roughness model for soil moisture retrieval. In 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 4963-4965). IEEE.
  49. Forbis-Stokes, A., C. Munster, R. Karthikeyan, B. P. Mohanty, and B. Boulanger (2016), Modeling Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in a Coastal Texas Watershed, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 227:430, doi:10.1007/s11270-016-3120-8.
  50. Gaur, N., B. P. Mohanty and S. C. kefauver (2016), Effect of observation scale on remote sensing based estimates of evapotranspiration in a semi-arid row cropped orchard environment, Precision Agric., doi:10.1007/s11119-016-9486-1.
  51. Dwivedi, D., B. P. Mohanty, and B. L. Lesikar (2016), Impact of the Linked Surface Water-Soil Water-Groundwater System on Transport of E. coli in the Subsurface, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, doi:10.1007/s11270-016-3053-2.
  52. Gaur, N., and B. P. Mohanty (2016), Land-surface controls on near-surface soil moisture dynamics: Traversing remote sensing footprints, Water Resour. Res., 52, doi:10.1002/2015WR018095.
  53. Xu, X., C. Sun, G. Huang, and B. P. Mohanty (2016), Global sensitivity analysis and calibration of parameters for a physically-based agro-hydrological model, Environmental Modelling and Software, 83, 88-102, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.05.013.
  54. Dwivedi, D., and B. P. Mohanty (2016), Hot Spots and Persistence of Nitrate in Aquifers Across Scales, Entropy, 18(1), 25, doi:10.3390/e18010025.
  55. Kim, J., and B. P. Mohanty (2016), Influence of lateral subsurface flow and connectivity on soil water storage in land surface modeling, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024067.
  56. Kim, J., B. P. Mohanty, and Y. Shin (2015), Effective soil moisture estimate and its uncertainty using multimodel simulation based on Bayesian Model Averaging, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, doi:10.1002/2014JD022905.
  57. Yang, Z., and B. P. Mohanty (2015), Effective parameterizations of three nonwetting phase relative permeability models, Water Resour. Res., 51, doi:10.1002/2014WR016190.
  58. Arora, B., B. P. Mohanty, and J. T. McGuire (2015), An integrated Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for upscaling hydrological and geochemical parameters from column to field scale, Science of the Total Environment, 428-443, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.01.048.
  59. Neelam, M., and B. P. Mohanty (2015), Global sensitivity analysis of the radiative transfer model, Water Resour. Res., 51, doi:10.1002/2014WR016534.
  60. Wang, J., Huang, G., Zhan, H., B. P. Mohanty, Zheng, J., Huang, Q.Z., and Xu, X. (2014), Evaluation of soil water dynamics and crop yield under furrow irrigation with a two-dimensional flow and crop growth coupled model, Agricultural Water Management, doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2014.04.007.
  61. Hansen, D. J., J. T. McGuire, B. P. Mohanty, and B. A. Ziegler (2014), Evidence of Aqueous Iron Sulfide Clusters in the Vadose Zone, Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2013.07.0136.
  62. Mohanty, B. P. (2013), Soil Hydraulic Property Estimation Using Remote Sensing: A Review, Vadose Zone Journaldoi:10.2136/vzj2013.06.0100.
  63. Pollacco J. A., Nasta P., Ugdale J. M., Angulo-Jaramillo R., Lassabatere L., Mohanty, B. P., Romano N.(2013), Reduction of feasible parameter space of the inverted soil hydraulic parameter sets for Kosugi Model, Soil Science, 178(6), doi:10.1097/SS.0b013e3182a2da21.
  64. Pollacco, J. A., B. P. Mohanty, and A. Efstratiadis (2013), Weighted Objective Function Selector Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of SVAT Models with Remote Sensing Data, Water Resour. Res., doi:10.1002/wrcr.20554.
  65. Mohanty, B. P., and Z. Yang (2013), Comment on “A simulation analysis of the advective effect on evaporation using a two-phase heat and mass flow model” by Zeng et al. [2011], Water Resour. Res., doi:10.1002/2013WR013489.
  66. Shin, Y., and B. P. Mohanty (2013), Development of a deterministic downscaling algorithm for remote sensing soil moisture footprint using soil and vegetation classifications, Water Resour. Res., doi:10.1002/wrcr.20495.
  67. Arora, B., B. P. Mohanty, J. T. McGuire, and I. M. Cozzarelli (2013), Temporal dynamics of biogeochemical processes at the norman landfill site, Water Resour. Res., doi:10.1002/wrcr.20484.
  68. Mohanty, B. P., M. Cosh, V. Lakshmi, and C. Montzka (2013), Remote Sensing for Vadose Zone Hydrology—A Synthesis from the Vantage Point, Vadose Zone Journal, 12(3), doi:10.2136/vzj2013.07.0128.
  69. Shin, Y., B. P. Mohanty, and A.V.M. Ines (2013), Estimating Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Spatially Distributed Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration, Vadose Zone Journal, 12(3), doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0094.
  70. Brender, J.D., P. J. Weyer, P. A. Romitti, B. P. Mohanty, M. U. Shinde, A. M. Vuong, J. R. Sharkey, D. Dwivedi, S. A. Horel, J. Kantamneni, J. C. Huber Jr., Q. Zheng, M. M. Werler, K. E. Kelley, J. S. Griesenbeck, F. B. Zhan, P. H. Langlois, L. Suarez, and M. A. Canfield (2013), Prenatal Nitrate Intake From Drinking Water and Selected Birth Defects in Offspring, Environmental Health Perspectives, doi:10.1289/ehp.1206249.
  71. Dwivedi, D., B. P. Mohanty, and B.L. Lesikar (2013), Estimating E. Coli Loads in Streams based on Various Physico, Chemical, and Biological Factors, Water Resour. Res., doi:10.1002/wrcr.20265.
  72. Gaur, N. and B. P. Mohanty (2013), Evolution of physical controls for soil moisture in humid and sub-humid watersheds, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20069.
  73. Ines, A. V. M., B. P. Mohanty, and Y. Shin (2013), An unmixing algorithm for remotely sensed soil moisture, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1029/2012WR012379.
  74. Arora, B., B. P. Mohanty, and J. T. McGuire (2012), Uncertainty in Dual Permeability Model Parameters for Structured Soils, Water Resour. Res., 48, W01524, doi:10.1029/2011WR010500.
  75. Jana, R. B., and B. P. Mohanty (2012), On Topographic Controls of Soil Hydraulic Parameter Scaling at Hill-Slope Scales, Water Resour. Res., 48, W02518, doi:10.1029/2011WR011204.
  76. Jana, R. B., and B. P. Mohanty (2012), A Topography-Based Scaling Algorithm for Soil Hydraulic Parameters at Hill-Slope Scales: Field Testing, Water Resour. Res., 48, W02519, doi:10.1029/2011WR011205.
  77. Jana, R. B., and B. P. Mohanty (2012), A Comparative Study of Multiple Approaches to Soil Hydraulic Parameter Scaling Applied at the Hill-Slope Scale, Water Resour. Res., 48, W02520, doi:10.1029/2010WR010185.
  78. Jana, R. B.,, B. P. Mohanty, and Z. Sheng (2012), Upscaling Soil Hydraulic Parameters in the Picacho Mountain Region Using Bayesian Neural Networks, Transactions of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 55(2), 463-473.
  79. Shin, Y., B. P. Mohanty, and A.V.M. Ines (2012), Soil hydraulic properties in one-dimensional layered soil profile using layer-specific soil moisture assimilation scheme, Water Resour. Res., 48, W06529, doi:10.1029/2010WR009581.
  80. Crow, W.T., A. Berg, M.H. Cosh, A. Low, B. P. Mohanty, R. Panciera, P. De Rosnay, D. Ryu, and J. Walker (2012), Upscaling Sparse Ground-Based Soil Moisture Observations for the Validation of Satellite Surface Soil Moisture Products, Review of Geophysics, 50, RG2002, doi:10.1029/2011RG000372.
  81. Pollacco, J. A., and B. P. Mohanty (2012), Uncertainties of Water Fluxes in SVAT Models: Inverting Surface Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration Retrieved from Remote Sensing, Special Section on Soil–Plant–Atmosphere Continuum, Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2011.0167.
  82. Jana, R. B., and B. P. Mohanty, Enhancing PTFs with Remotely Sensed Data for Multi-Scale Soil Water Retention Estimation (2011), J. Hydrol., doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.12.043.
  83. Joshi, C., B. P. Mohanty, J. M. Jacobs, and A. V. M. Ines (2011), Spatiotemporal Analyses of Soil Moisture From Point to Footprint Scale in Two Different Hydroclimatic Regions, Water Resour. Res., 47, W01508, doi:10.1029/2009WR009002.
  84. Arora, B., B. P. Mohanty, and J. T. McGuire (2011), Effective Domain Parameters for Simulating Flow and Transport in Soil Columns, Water Resour. Res., 47, W04512, doi:10.1029/2010WR009451 (Featured article in WRR).
  85. Mohapatra, P.K, R. Vijay, P.R. Pujari, S. K. Sundaray, B.P. Mohanty (2011), Determination of Processes Affecting Groundwater Quality in the Coastal Aquifer Beneath Puri City, India: A Multivariate Statistical Approach. Water Science and Technology, 64(4), 809-817.
  86. Hansen, D.J., J.T. McGuire, and B. P. Mohanty (2011), Enhanced Biogeochemical Cycling and Subsequent Reduction of Hydraulic Conductivity Associated with Soil Interfaces in the Vadose Zone, Journal of Environmental Quality, 40.
  87. Joshi, C., and B. P. Mohanty (2010), Physical Controls of Near‐Surface Soil Moisture Across Varying Spatial Scales in an Agricultural Landscape During SMEX02, Water Resour. Res., 46, W12503, doi:10.1029/2010WR009152.
  88. Sartori, F., T. L. Wade, J. L. Sericano, B.P. Mohanty, and K. A. Smith (2010), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil of the Canadian River Floodplain in Oklahoma, J. Environ. Qual., 39, 568-579.
  89. Das, N. N., B. P. Mohanty, and Y. Efendiev (2010), Characterization of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in an Agricultural Field Using Karhunen-Loeve Expansion With the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique, Water Resour. Res., 46, 10.1029/2007WR007100.
  90. Das, N. N., B. P. Mohanty, and E. G. Njoku (2010), Profile Soil Moisture Across Spatial Scales Under Different Hydroclimatic Conditions, Soil Sci., 175(7), 315-319.
  91. Dostert, P., Y. Efendiev, and B.P. Mohanty (2009), Efficient Uncertainty Quantification Techniques in Inverse Problems for Richards’ Equation Using Coarse-Scale Simulation Models, Adv. Water Resour., 32, 329–339.
  92. Ines A. V. M., and B. P. Mohanty (2009), Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation for Quantifying Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Genetic Algorithms: 2. Using Air-borne Remote Sensing During SGP97 and SMEX02, Water Resour. Res., 45, 10.1029/2007WR007022.
  93. Ines, A. V. M., and B. P. Mohanty (2008), Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation for Quantifying Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Under Different Hydro-Climatic Conditions, Vadose Zone J. 7:39-52.
  94. Das, N. N., and B. P. Mohanty (2008), Temporal Dynamics of PSR-Based Soil Moisture Across Spatial Scales in an Agricultural Landscape During SMEX02: A Wavelet Approach, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112: 522-534.
  95. Das, N. N., B. P. Mohanty, M. H. Cosh, and T. J. Jackson (2008), Modeling and Assimilation of Root Zone Soil Moisture Using Remote Sensing Observations in Walnut Gulch Watershed During SMEX04, Remote Sensing of Environment, 112: 415-429.
  96. Das, N. N., B. P. Mohanty, and E. G. Njoku (2008), A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm for Upscaled Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer Modeling to Evaluate Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Measurements, Water Resour. Res., 44, doi:10.1029/2007WR006472.
  97. Ines A. V. M., and B. P. Mohanty (2008), Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation for Quantifying Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Genetic Algorithm: 1. Conceptual modeling, Water Resour. Res., 44, W06422, doi:10.1029/2007WR005990.
  98. Jana R. B., B. P. Mohanty, and E. P. Springer (2008), Multiscale Bayesian Neural Networks for Soil Water Content Estimation, Water Resour. Res., 44, W08408, doi: 10.1029/2008WR006879.
  99. Ines A. V. M., and B. P. Mohanty (2008), Parameter Conditioning With a Noisy Monte Carlo Genetic Algorithm for Estimating Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties From Space, Water Resour. Res., doi: 10.1029/2007WR006125.
  100. Wilcox, B. P., P. I. Taucer, C. L. Munster, M. K. Owens, B. P. Mohanty, J. R. Sorenson, and R. Bazan (2008), Subsurface Stormflow is Important in Semiarid Karst Shrublands, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L10403, doi:10.1029/2008GL033696.
  101. Taucer, P., I, C.L. Munster, B.P. Wilcox, K. Owens. and B.P. Mohanty (2008), Large-Scale Rainfall Simulation Experiments on Juniper Rangelands, Transactions of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 51(6): 1951-1961.
  102. Das, N. N., B. P. Mohanty, and E. G. Njoku (2008), Characterization of Backscatter by Surface Features in L-Band Active Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2008, IEEE International, vol.2, pp.II-817-II-820, 7-11 July 2008, doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2008.4779119.
  103. Jana, R. B., B. P. Mohanty, and E. P. Springer (2007), Multiscale Pedotransfer Functions for Soil Water Retention, Vadose Zone J. 6: 868-878.
  104. Loescher, H., J. Jacobs, W. Krajewski, R. Mason, K. McGuire, B. P. Mohanty, G. Poulos, P. Reed, J. Shanley, O. Wendroth, and D. A. Robinson (2007), Enhancing Water Cycle Measurements for Future Hydrologic Research, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-88-5-669.
  105. Mohanty, B. P., and J. Zhu (2007), Effective Averaging Schemes for Hydraulic Parameters in Horizontally and Vertically Heterogeneous Soils, J. Hydrometeorol. 8(4): 715-729.
  106. Das, N. N., and B. P. Mohanty (2006), Root Zone Soil Moisture Assessment Using Remote Sensing and Vadose Zone Modeling, Vadose Zone J. 5: 296-307.
  107. Dasgupta, S., B. P. Mohanty, and J. M. Köhne (2006), Impacts of Juniper Vegetation and Karst Geology on Subsurface Flow Processes in the Edwards Plateau, Texas, Vadose Zone J. 5: 1076-1085.
  108. Dasgupta, S., B. P. Mohanty, and J. M. Köhne (2006), Soil Hydraulic Conductivities and their Spatial and Temporal Variations in a Vertisol, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70: 1872-1881.
  109. Saito, H., J. Simunek, and B. P. Mohanty (2006), Numerical Analysis of Coupled Water, Vapor, and Heat Transport in the Vadose Zone, Vadose Zone J. 5: 784-800.
  110. Sharma, S. K., B. P. Mohanty, and J. Zhu (2006), Including Topography and Vegetation Attributes for Developing Pedotransfer Functions, Soil Sci. Soc. Am J. 70: 1430-1440.
  111. Zhu, J., B. P. Mohanty, and N. N. Das (2006), On the Effective Averaging Schemes of Hydraulic Properties at the Landscape Scale, Vadose Zone J. 5: 308-316.
  112. Zhu, J., and B. P. Mohanty (2006), Effective scaling factor for transient infiltration in heterogeneous soils, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 319, Issues 1-4, Pages 96-108.
  113. Castiglione, P., P. J. Shouse, B. P. Mohanty, and M. Th. van Genuchten (2005), Analysis of Temperature Effects on Tension Infiltrometry of Low Permeability Materials, Vadose Zone J. 4: 481-487.
  114. Castiglione, P., P. J. Shouse, B. P. Mohanty, D. Hudson, and M. Th. van Genuchten (2005), Improved Tension Infiltrometer for Measuring Low Fluid Flow Rates in Unsaturated Fractured Rock, Vadose Zone J.4: 885-890.
  115. Köhne, J. M., and B. P. Mohanty (2005), Water flow processes in a soil column with a cylindrical macropore: Experiment and hierarchical modeling, Water Resour. Res., 41, W03010, doi:10.1029/2004WR003303.
  116. Köhne, J. M., B. P. Mohanty, and J. Simunek (2005), Inverse Dual-Permeability Modeling of Preferential Water Flow in a Soil Column and Implications for Field-Scale Solute Transport, Vadose Zone J. 5: 59-76.
  117. Jacobs, J. M., B. P. Mohanty, E. -C. Hsu and D. Miller (2004), SMEX02: Field scale variability, time stability and similarity of soil moisture, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 92, Issue 4, Pages 436-446.
  118. Köhne, J. M., B. P. Mohanty, J. Simunek, H. H. Gerke (2004), Numerical evaluation of a second-order water transfer term for variably saturated dual-permeability models, Water Resour. Res., 40, W07409, doi:10.1029/2004WR003285.
  119. Köhne, J. M., S. Köhne, B. P. Mohanty, and J. Simunek (2004), Inverse Mobile–Immobile Modeling of Transport During Transient Flow: Effects of Between-Domain Transfer and Initial Water Content, Vadose Zone J. 3: 1309-1321.
  120. Zhu, J., and B. P. Mohanty (2004), Soil Hydraulic Parameter Upscaling for Steady-State Flow with Root Water Uptake, Vadose Zone J. 2004 3: 1464-1470.
  121. Zhu, J., B. P. Mohanty, A. W. Warrick, and M. Th. van Genuchten (2004), Correspondence and Upscaling of Hydraulic Functions for Steady-State Flow in Heterogeneous Soils, Vadose Zone J. 3: 527-533.
  122. Gusev, E. M, O. N. Nasanova, and B. P. Mohanty (2004), Estimation of Radiation, Heat, and Water Exchange Between Steppe Ecosystems and Atmosphere in the SWAP Model, Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 40(3), 291–305.
  123. Castiglione, P., B. P. Mohanty, P. J. Shouse, J. Simunek, M. Th. van Genuchten, and A. Santini (2003), Lateral Water Diffusion in an Artificial Macroporous System: Modeling and Experimental Evidence, Vadose Zone J. 2: 212-221.
  124. Zhu, J., and B. P. Mohanty (2003), Effective hydraulic parameters for steady state vertical flow in heterogeneous soils, Water Resour. Res., 39 (8), 1227, doi:10.1029/2002WR001831.
  125. Mohanty, B. P., P. J. Shouse, D. A. Miller, and M. T. van Genuchten (2002), Soil property database: Southern Great Plains 1997 Hydrology Experiment, Water Resour. Res., 38 (5), doi:10.1029/2000WR000076.
  126. Jacques, D., B. P. Mohanty, and J. Feyen (2002), Comparison of alternative methods for deriving hydraulic properties and scaling factors from single-disc tension infiltrometer measurements, Water Resour. Res., 38 (7), doi:10.1029/2001WR000595.
  127. Zhu, J., and B. P. Mohanty (2002), Analytical solutions for steady state vertical infiltration, Water Resour. Res., 38 (8), doi:10.1029/2001WR000398.
  128. Zhu, J., and B. P. Mohanty (2002), Upscaling of soil hydraulic properties for steady state evaporation and infiltration, Water Resour. Res., 38 (9), 1178, doi:10.1029/2001WR000704.
  129. Zhu, J., and B. P. Mohanty (2002), Spatial Averaging of van Genuchten Hydraulic Parameters for Steady-State Flow in Heterogeneous Soils: A Numerical Study, Vadose Zone J. 1: 261-272.
  130. Jarvis, N. J., L. Zavattaro, K. Rajkai, W. D. Reynolds, P. –A. Olsen, M. McGechan, M. Mecke, B. P. Mohanty, P. B. Leeds-Harrison, and D. Jacques (2002), Indirect Estimation of Near-Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity from Readily Available Soil Information, Geoderma, 108(1–2), 1–17, doi:10.1016/S0016-7061(01)00154-9.
  131. Jacques, D., B. P. Mohanty, A. Timmerman, and J. Feyen (2001), Study of Time Dependency of Factors Affecting the Spatial Distribution of Soil Water Content in a Field Plot, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (B), 26(7–8), 629–634.
  132. Mohanty, B. P., and T. H. Skaggs (2001), Spatio-Temporal Evolution and Time-Stable Characteristics of Soil Moisture Within Remote Sensing Footprints with Varying Soil, Slope, and Vegetation, Advances in Water Resources, 24(9–10), 1051–1067, doi:10.1016/S0309-1708(01)00034-3.
  133. Skaggs, T. H., L. M. Arya, P. J. Shouse, and B. P. Mohanty (2001), Estimating Particle-Size Distribution from Limited Soil Texture Data, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 65(4), 1038–1044, doi:10.2136/sssaj2001.6541038x.
  134. Mohanty, B. P., T. H. Skaggs, and J. S. Famiglietti (2000), Analysis and Mapping of Field-Scale Soil Moisture Variability Using High-Resolution, Ground-Based Data During the Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) Hydrology Experiment, Water Resour. Res., 36(4), 1023–1031, doi:10.1029/1999WR900360.
  135. Mohanty, B. P., J. S. Famiglietti, and T. H. Skaggs (2000), Evolution of Soil Moisture Spatial Structure in a Mixed Vegetation Pixel During the Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) Hydrology Experiment, Water Resour. Res., 36(12), 3675–3686, doi:10.1029/2000WR900258.
  136. Mohanty, B. P. and Z. Mousli (2000), Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Soil Water Retention Properties Across a Soil-Slope Transition, Water Resour. Res., 36(11), 3311–3324, doi:10.1029/2000WR900216.
  137. Ventrella, D., B. P. Mohanty, J. Šimůnek, N. Losavio, and M. Th. van Genuchten (2000), Water and Chloride Transport in a Fine-Textured Soil: Field Experiments and Modeling, Soil Science, 165(8), 624–631.
  138. Jacques, D., C. Mouvet, B. P. Mohanty, H. Vereecken, and J. Feyen (1999), Spatial Variability of Atrazine Sorption Parameters and Other Soil Properties in a Podzoluvisol, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 36(1–2), 31–52, doi:10.1016/S0169-7722(98)00141-7.
  139. Mohanty, B. P. (1999), Scaling Hydraulic Properties of a Macroporous Soil, Water Resour. Res., 35(6), 1927–1931, doi:10.1029/1999WR900050.
  140. Mohanty, B. P., R. S. Bowman, J. M. H. Hendrickx, J. Simunek, and M. T. van Genuchten (1998), Preferential Transport of Nitrate to a Tile Drain in an Intermittent-Flood-Irrigated Field: Model Development and Experimental Evaluation, Water Resour. Res., 34(5), 1061–1076, doi:10.1029/98WR00294.
  141. Huang, K., B. P. Mohanty, F. J. Leij, and M. Th. van Genuchten (1998), Solution of the Nonlinear Transport Equation Using Modified Picard Iteration, Advances in Water Resources, 21(3), 237–249, doi:10.1016/S0309-1708(96)00046-2.
  142. Shouse, P. J. and B. P. Mohanty (1998), Scaling of Near-Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Measured Using Disc Infiltrometers, Water Resour. Res., 34(5), 1195–1205, doi:10.1029/98WR00318.
  143. Mohanty, B. P., P. Shouse, and M. Th. van Genuchten (1998), Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Water and Heat in a Field Soil, Soil & Tillage Research, 47(1–2), 133–143, doi:10.1016/S0167-1987(98)00084-1.
  144. Mohanty, B. P., T. H. Skaggs, and M. Th. van Genuchten (1998), Impact of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity on the Prediction of Tile Flow, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 62(6), 1522–1529, doi:10.2136/sssaj1998.03615995006200060007x.
  145. Skaggs, T. H. and B. P. Mohanty (1998), Water Table Dynamics in Tile-Drained Fields, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 62(5), 1191–1196, doi:10.2136/sssaj1998.03615995006200050006x.
  146. Mallants, D., B. P. Mohanty, A. Vervoort, and J. Feyen (1997), Spatial Analysis of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in a Soil with Macropores, Soil Technology, 10(2), 115–131, doi:10.1016/S0933-3630(96)00093-1.
  147. Mohanty, B. P., and R. S. Kanwar (1997), A Relative-Flux-Correction Scheme for Analyzing Three Dimensional Data of a Tile-Drained Agricultural Plot, Journal of Hydrology, 194(1–4), 107–125, doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(96)03225-8.
  148. Mohanty, B. P., R. S. Bowman, J. M. H. Hendrickx, and M. T. van Genuchten (1997), New Piecewise-Continuous Hydraulic Functions for Modeling Preferential Flow in An Intermittent-Flood-Irrigated Field, Water Resour. Res., 33(9), 2049–2063, doi:10.1029/97WR01701.
  149. Mohanty, B. P., R. Horton, and M. D. Ankeny (1996), Infiltration and Macroporosity Under a Row Crop Agricultural Field in a Glacial Till Soil, Soil Science, 161(4), 205–213.
  150. Mallants, D., B. P. Mohanty, D. Jacques, and J. Feyen (1996), Spatial Variability of Hydraulic Properties in a Multi-Layered Soil Profile, Soil Science, 161(3), 167–181.
  151. Mohanty, B. P., and M. Th. van Genuchten (1996), An Integrated Approach to Model Water Flow and Solute Transport in the Vadose Zone, Chapter 13: “Applications of GIS to the Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone”, Soil Science Society America Special Publication, 48, 217–233.
  152. Huang, K., B. P. Mohanty, and M. Th. van Genuchten (1996), A New Convergence Criterion for the Modified Picard Iteration Method to Solve the Variably-Saturated Flow Equation, Journal of Hydrology, 178(1–4), 69–91, doi:10.1016/0022-1694(95)02799-8.
  153. Mohanty, B. P., W. M. Klittich, R. Horton, and M. Th. van Genuchten (1995), Spatio-Temporal Variability of Soil Temperature Within Three Land Areas Exposed to Different Tillage Systems, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 59(3), 752–759, doi:10.2136/sssaj1995.03615995005900030017x.
  154. Mohanty, B. P., R. S. Kanwar, and C. J. Everts (1994), Comparison of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Measurement Methods for a Glacial Till Soil, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 58(3), 672–677, doi:10.2136/sssaj1994.03615995005800030006x.
  155. Mohanty, B. P., M. D. Ankeny, R. Horton, and R. S. Kanwar (1994), Spatial analysis of hydraulic conductivity measured using disc infiltrometers, Water Resour. Res., 30(9), 2489–2498, doi:10.1029/94WR01052.
  156. Mohanty, B. P. and R. S. Kanwar (1994), Spatial variability of residual nitrate-nitrogen under two tillage systems in central Iowa: A composite three-dimensional resistant and exploratory approach, Water Resour. Res., 30(2), 237–251, doi:10.1029/93WR02922.
  157. Mohanty, B. P., U. S. Tim, C. E. Anderson, and T. Woestman (1994), Impacts of Agricultural Drainage Well Closure on Crop Production: A Watershed Case Study, Water Resources Bulletin, 30(4), 687–703.
  158. Mohanty, B. P., R. S. Kanwar, and R. Horton (1991), A Robust-Resistant Approach to Interpret Spatial Behavior of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of a Glacial Till Soil Under No-Tillage System, Water Resour. Res., 27(11), 2979–2992, doi:10.1029/91WR01720.
  159. Mizutani, M., B. Rath, B. P. Mohanty, and P. K. Kalita (1991), Estimation of Effective Rainfall in Wet Season Paddy – Observational Studies on Water Requirement of Lowland Rice in Thailand (II), Journal of Irrigation Engineering and Rural Planning, 21, 15–28.

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