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Educational backgroundPh. D. (Pursuing) MSc, Agricultural Engineering- Irrigation and Drainage BSc, Agricultural Engineering- Water |
Research Interests
Soil biogeochemistry, Vadose zone hydrology, Soil physics, Agricultural water management
Current project
My current research is about the influence of hydrological, biogeochemical and temperature transients on soil redox activities. In my research, I look at properties which affect the redox reactions at the pore to the watershed scale.
Awards, scholarships, & fellowships
- (2019) J. Malon Southerland Aggie Leader Scholarship
- (2019) Charles H and Frances Fleming Scholarship
- (2019) Robert E Stewart Graduate Excellence Award
- (2018) Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Travel Award
- (2018) Rethinking Texas Water Policy Conference Scholarship Award
- (2017) Irrigation E3 Education and Travel Award
- (2017) Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Travel Award
- (2017) Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department Graduate Student Scholarship
Leadership experience
- (2019) Charles H and Frances Fleming Scholarship
- (2018-now) President of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Graduate Students Association
- (2019) Moderator of 2019 Texas Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
- (2019) Moderator of 2019 Texas A&M Science Bowl
- (2018-2019) Member of Environmental Issue Committee of Texas A&M University
List of select publications:
- Sedaghatdoost, A., Mohanty, B., Huang, Y. (2017). Investigating the Effect of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties on Elemental distribution and Redox Biogeochemistry in Brazos River Basin. American Geophysical Union Meeting, 10-14 December, Washington D.C., USA.
- Sedaghatdoost, A., Mohanty, B., Huang, Y. (2018). Tracking Water, C, N, and P by Linking Local Scale Soil Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Features to Watershed Scale. American Geophysical Union Meeting, 11-15 December, New Orleans, USA.
- Sedaghatdoost, A., Ebrahimian, H., and Liaghat, A. (2019). An Inverse Modeling Approach to Calibrate Parameters for a Drainage Model with Two Optimization Algorithms on Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Soil. Water Resources Management, 1-13.
- Sedaghatdoost, A., Ebrahimian, H., & Liaghat, A. (2018). Estimating soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters in subsurface drainage systems using an inverse modelling approach. Irrigation and Drainage, 67, 82-90.
- Sedaghatdoost, A., and Ebrahimian, H. (2018). Discussion of “Evaluation of DRAINMOD 6.1 for Hydrological Simulations of Peat Extraction Areas in Northern Finland” by Shahram Mohammadighavam and Bjørn Kløve. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 144(4), 07018001.
- Shayan, H. K., Bayrami, M., and Sedaghatdoost, A. (2017). Discussion of “Deducing a Drain Spacing Formula by Applying Dimensional Analysis and Self-Similarity Theory” by Vito Ferro. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 143(6), 07017006.
- Ghorbanian, M., Sedaghatdoost, A., and Liaghat, A. (2016). Discussion of “Effect of Fertigation on Soil Salinization and Aggregate Stability” by JM Moreira Barradas, A. Abdelfattah, S. Matula, and F. Dolezal. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 07015035.
- Sedaghatdoost, A., and Ebrahimian, H. (2015). Calibration of infiltration, roughness and longitudinal dispersivity coefficients in furrow fertigation using inverse modelling with a genetic algorithm. Biosystems Engineering, 136, 129-139.
- Sedaghatdoost, A., and Ebrahimian, H. (2015). Discussion of “Unsaturated Flow Functions for Filter Media Used in Low-Impact Development—Stormwater Management Systems” by Iulia A. Barbu and Thomas P. Ballestero. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 07015019.
- Sedaghatdoost, A., Safaei, S., and Ebrahimian, H. (2015). ”Discussion of “DRAINMOD-DSSAT Simulation of the Hydrology, Nitrogen Dynamics, and Plant Growth of a Drained Corn Field in Indiana” by Lamyaa M. Negm, Mohamed A. Youssef, Richard W. Skaggs, George M. Chescheir, and Eileen J. Kladivko.” J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 141(9), 07015008.