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Dwivedi, D., B. P. Mohanty, and B. L. Lesikar (2016), Impact of the Linked Surface Water-Soil Water-Groundwater System on Transport of E. coli in the Subsurface, Water, Air,& Soil Pollution, doi:10.1007/s11270-016-3053-2.

Dwivedi, D., and B. P. Mohanty (2016), Hot Spots and Persistence of Nitrate in Aquifers Across Scales, Entropy, 18(1), 25, doi:10.3390/e18010025.

Arora, B., B. P. Mohanty, and J. T. McGuire (2015), An integrated Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for upscaling hydrological and geochemical parameters from column to field scale, Science of the Total Environment, 428-443, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.01.048.

Hansen, D. J., J. T. McGuire, B. P. Mohanty, and B. A. Ziegler (2014), Evidence of Aqueous Iron Sulfide Clusters in the Vadose Zone, Vadose Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2013.07.0136.

Dwivedi, D., B. P. Mohanty, and B.L. Lesikar (2013), Estimating E. Coli Loads in Streams based on Various Physico, Chemical, and Biological Factors, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20265.

Arora, B., B. P. Mohanty, J. T. McGuire, and I. M. Cozzarelli (2013), Temporal dynamics of biogeochemical processes at the norman landfill site, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20484.

Hansen, D.J., J.T. McGuire, and B. P. Mohanty (2011), Enhanced Biogeochemical Cycling and Subsequent Reduction of Hydraulic Conductivity Associated with Soil Interfaces in the Vadose Zone, Journal of Environmental Quality, 40.

Sartori, F., T. L. Wade, J. L. Sericano, B.P. Mohanty, and K. A. Smith (2010), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil of the Canadian River Floodplain in Oklahoma, Journal of Environmental Quality, 39, 568-579.

Hansen, D. J., J. T. McGuire, and B. P. Mohanty, Biogeochemical Cycling in Heterogeneous Unsaturated Soils: A Comparison Between Live and Sterilized Sediments, Vadose Zone Journal, revised.

Hansen, D. J., J. T. McGuire, and B. P. Mohanty, Role of Microbiology in Multiphase Flow Affecting Geochemical and Hydrologic Interactions Between the Phreatic zone and Vadose Zone, Water Resour. Res., revised.

Arora, B., B. P. Mohanty, and J. T. McGuire, Redox Geochemistry within Homogeneous and Layered Soil Columns under Varying Hydrological Conditions, Water Resour. Res., submitted.

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