Inverse Modeling
Xu, X., C. Sun, G. Huang, and B. P. Mohanty (2016), Global sensitivity analysis and calibration of parameters for a physically-based agro-hydrological model, Environmental Modelling and Software, 83, 88-102, doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.05.013.
Pollacco, J. A., B. P. Mohanty, and A. Efstratiadis (2013), Weighted Objective Function Selector Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of SVAT Models with Remote Sensing Data, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20554.
Shin, Y., and B. P. Mohanty (2013), Development of a deterministic downscaling algorithm for remote sensing soil moisture footprint using soil and vegetation classifications, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20495.
Shin, Y., B. P. Mohanty, and A.V.M. Ines (2013), Estimating Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Spatially Distributed Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration, Vadose Zone Journal, 12(3), doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0094.
Ines, A. V. M., B. P. Mohanty, and Y. Shin (2013), An unmixing algorithm for remotely sensed soil moisture, Water Resources Research, 49, doi:10.1029/2012WR012379.
Shin, Y., B. P. Mohanty, and A.V.M. Ines (2012), Soil hydraulic properties in one-dimensional layered soil profile using layer-specific soil moisture assimilation scheme, Water Resources Research, 48, W06529, doi:10.1029/2010WR009581.
Ines A. V. M., and B. P. Mohanty (2009), Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation for Quantifying Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Genetic Algorithms: 2. Using Air-borne Remote Sensing During SGP97 and SMEX02, Water Resources Research, 45, 10.1029/2007WR007022.
Ines, A. V. M., and B. P. Mohanty (2008), Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation for Quantifying Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Under Different Hydro-Climatic Conditions, Vadose Zone Journal 7:39-52.
Ines A. V. M., and B. P. Mohanty (2008), Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation for Quantifying Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Genetic Algorithm: 1. Conceptual modeling, Water Resources Research, 44, W06422, doi:10.1029/2007WR005990.
Ines A. V. M., and B. P. Mohanty (2008), Parameter Conditioning With a Noisy Monte Carlo Genetic Algorithm for Estimating Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties From Space, Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1029/2007WR006125.