Leah Marie Kocian

Personal webpage


Educational background

Ph. D. (Pursuing)
Biological and Agricultural Engineering

B.S., Biological & Agricultural Engineering
Texas A&M University (2019)

Academic CV

Industry Resume

Research Interests

Contaminant fate and transport; urban gardens; hydrology; soil water physics and chemistry; Bayesian Modeling; HDYRUS; remote sensing; preferential flow; Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry.

Current Projects

Characterizing Large-Scale Preferential Flow Across Continental United States Using Remote Sensing (2019-2021)

Tracking Root Zone Contaminants in Agricultural Farms Near Texas Superfund Sites (2021-2025)

  • Evaluating Contaminant Concentrations in Urban Gardens across Texas (2023)
  • Modeling the fate and transport of contaminants in Urban Gardens Across Texas (2024)
  • Using Bayesian Modeling to Predict the Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Urban Gardens Under Climate Change Influences (2025)

Awards, scholarships, & fellowships

  • (2024) Montgomery Award
  • (2023) Reactive Transport Modeling Workshop at The Colorado School of Mines Travel Award
  • (2022 – 2023) George & Mary Lewis Merit Endowed Scholarship
  • (2021 – 2023) BAEN Departmental Scholarship – GPEF
  • (2020 – Present) BAEN GSA travel award for AGU fall meeting
  • (2019 – 2024) Katy & Tony Sutherland Endowed Scholarship
  • (2019 & 2023) CLAG BAEN DT Scholarship
  • (2019) Fully paid travel scholarship to study abroad in Mexico
  • (2019) Ben T & Mattie B Little Fund
  • (2019) COADC Calvin & Peggy Parnell Scholarship
  • (2017) REU Water Quality Research Fellowship from LSAMP: $5,000 scholarship to study abroad in Belgium awarded for work in my summer REU.
  • (2017) Alpha Epsilon Member: Awarded for displaying academic excellence and outstanding leadership within the major

Service and community engagement

  • (2022-2023) Student member: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Remote sensing technical committee
  • (2022-2023) Student member: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S)
  • (2021-2023) President of TAMU Graduate Consulting Club
  • (2020-Present) RStudio Course Instructor to TAMU students
  • (2015-Present) Star of Hope Mission volunteer for food distribution in the cafeteria and Christmas wrapping events


  1. Kocian, L., & Mohanty, B. P. (2024). Characterizing large-scale preferential flow across Continental United StatesVadose Zone Journal, e20316. doi.org/10.1002/vzj2.20316.
  2. Mukherjee, M., Marie, L., Liles, C., Mustafa, N., Bullerjahn, G., Gentry, T.J. and Brooks, J.P., 2021. Elevated Incidences of Antimicrobial Resistance and Multidrug Resistance in the Maumee River (Ohio, USA), a Major Tributary of Lake Erie. Microorganisms9(5), p.911.


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